[zeromq-dev] About libzmq "domain" inside readthedocs.io

Brett Viren bv at bnl.gov
Tue Oct 31 15:37:15 CET 2023

Francesco <francesco.montorsi at gmail.com> writes:

> In meanwhile perhaps some libzmq maintainer can simply register a new
> project named "zeromq" and then later on we can setup some kind of
> redirection rule

RTD provides a "custom domain" aka a "subdomain" namespace.   I
believe this would allow


This nicely mirrors GitHub's <org>.githup.io/<repo> namespace for its
"pages" which naturally gives a spot from other zeromq repos to have
their docs on RTD.  Though some, at least PyZMQ, already have their own
subdomain on RTD.

The best I can tell from RTD's documentation is that their auth model
assumes a single individual "owns" the project or subdomain names in the
namespace.  I do not know how to best map this to libzmq's development

But, (purely IMO) I think it is reasonable for you, Francesco, to "own"
the "zeromq" subdomain and "libzmq" project name on RTD.  After all, you
are the one actively doing the work.  If at some future time you wish to
transfer ownership you could of course seek someone to take it.  Even
letting things languish in the future seems okay to me as some future
interested person can follow the RTD procedure and take over the name
and the responsibility.


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