[zeromq-dev] ZeroMQ docs

Bob Eby ebyrob at gmail.com
Wed Oct 25 15:27:03 CEST 2023

I'm mostly a lurker and merely a user but:

I have to say ZeroMQ docs have been great for years.  If ZeroMQ docs
are on some "not 100% most popular" tool asciidoc instead of markdown.
Maybe the maintainers should just stick with what they like.

Monoculture is not a good thing.  If the only GUI on the planet was
GNOME I would kill myself or worse quit writing software.  Ditto if
git were the ONLY source control.  (Note that I do use BOTH GNOME and
git at times, but alternatives are a healthy thing and not to be
dismissed when they work well)

Just my two cents,

And thanks for all the contributions to ZeroMQ everyone  I love / rely
on this tool,
Robert E.

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