[zeromq-dev] content based routing for a thread pool
Brett Viren
bv at bnl.gov
Sat Oct 21 14:58:13 CEST 2023
Hi Lei,
I think what you describe matches the majordomo pattern (MDP).
In that description of MDP, the request from a client includes a
"service name". The broker uses that name to route the request to one
worker in a subset of workers that had previously registered that
service name when they requested work from the broker.
If you can translate your requirement to "route the requests to certain
threads based on the contents" into this "service name" mechanism then I
think you can adopt MDP just as it is described in the guide.
Alternatively, you can keep the "broker" unaware of types of service, as
in the preceding PPP description, and instead develop a single type of
worker that internally implements every type of service. That worker
must then interpret the request to determine the type of service prior
to applying the functionality that actually implements the service. Of
course, this "multi-service-worker" pattern can only work if the broader
architecture allows all worker instances to access all resources
required to satisfy all supported types of service. Eg, if one type of
service requires some backend DB access then the entire architecture
must be prepared for some time where all workers simultaneously try to
access the backend DB. That is, multi-service-worker PPP would not have
any load balancing features that MDP has (other than simply controlling
the total number of workers).
Note, for whatever pattern you end up with, if your sockets are
themselves running on threads in a pool in a way that you can not
guarantee each socket is accessed from exactly the same thread over its
lifetime then you may run afoul of the thread non-safety of the
(non-draft) ZeroMQ sockets. This problem can be solved by switching
from ROUTER/DEALER based MDP to one that uses the draft SERVER/CLIENT
sockets (which are safe call from multiple threads). If this problem
indeed strikes you, you can re-implement MDP on SERVER/CLIENT. I have
an example of this in my "generaldomo" package on github.
Lei Jiang <lei.jiang.29 at gmail.com> writes:
> Hi,
> I hope someone can kindly give me a point in the right direction.
> What I want to achieve is to have a thread pool with a bunch of REP sockets in each thread to handle requests. A
> ROUTER socket binds to the server address:port. A DEALER socket binds to an inproc address. All REP sockets connect
> to the inproc address. And finally a proxy() call will bridge the ROUTER and DEALER sockets.
> This pattern works as it is. But I need more. The pool must route the requests to certain threads based on the
> contents. For that, I am ready to write my own proxy() function. I read from the guide that putting an identity
> frame followed by a blank frame and then the message body can route the message to a certain peer. But my bigger
> problem is it seems I can't use DEALER any more. It has to be ROUTER <=> ROUTER, and I will have to maintain the
> sessions myself. I guess largely it's what's in the pipe_t, which is not exposed.
> Am I right about this? Or is there a better way?
> Thanks a lot!
> Lei
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