[zeromq-dev] 答复: ZMQ - License info mis-match

wu.zhou wu.zhou at horizon.cc
Mon Jun 19 14:07:54 CEST 2023

Dear sir or madam

This is an email sending from China about the findings we found on ZMQ websites, since within this site: ØMQ Licensing - zeromq<http://wiki.zeromq.org/area:licensing>, saying the zmq was already updated w MPL2.0:

But, with the other site: Commercial Support - zeromq<http://wiki.zeromq.org/intro:commercial-support> still saying that ZMQ was under LGPL v3;

So I’m sending this email just want to make sure that the ZMQ was already update to MPL 2.0,since we checked and verified the source in git, but the info in commercial support site was just not up to date, hope you can help to update, thanks!

Sorry this is the repeatly sending email, since I just got a info from system saying that my email was just too big awaiting moderator’s approval, so I made some change to minimize the size of my email, hope this will not bother, thanks!


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