[zeromq-dev] zeromq-dev Digest, Vol 70, Issue 8
Bowers, Caleb Z CIV USN NRL (5522) Washington DC (USA)
caleb.bowers at nrl.navy.mil
Mon Mar 28 14:59:10 CEST 2022
Yeah, zmq would provide the sockets to use, so I can use zmq messaging primitives/patterns. NORM would be the underlying transport protocol.
I have used NORM in ZMQ for basic multicast all-to-all comms: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9653084
I want to expand on this to add in some of the additional components of NORM for more structured communication patterns. NORM has modes that allow client/server like connections with multicast transmit channels and unicast feedback channels. Essentially the tcp listener/connecters do this for tcp, but of course, all unicast.
On 3/25/22, 8:00 AM, "zeromq-dev on behalf of zeromq-dev-request at lists.zeromq.org" <zeromq-dev-bounces at lists.zeromq.org on behalf of zeromq-dev-request at lists.zeromq.org> wrote:
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: Imitating TCP Listener/Connecter for NORM (Arnaud Loonstra)
Message: 1
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2022 11:16:05 +0100
From: Arnaud Loonstra <arnaud at sphaero.org>
To: zeromq-dev at lists.zeromq.org
Subject: Re: [zeromq-dev] Imitating TCP Listener/Connecter for NORM
Message-ID: <85b8e226-2f7d-4b4a-7827-7947aa7f63b2 at sphaero.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
On 23-03-2022 19:09, Bowers, Caleb Z CIV USN NRL (5522) Washington DC
(USA) via zeromq-dev wrote:
> I am interested in imitating the TCP listener/connecter setup for the multicast protocol NORM. There is a mode of NORM that enables multicast out and unicast backchannels. E.g., a hub and spoke topology where the hub multicasts to the nodes and those nodes can unicast back to the hub along the spokes.
> This being the case, I think there is reasonable chance of implementing something similar to the TCP/IPC, etc listener/connecter patterns.
> The code for these is not particularly well documented and I am not sure where/if an API is located. Are there any references I can consult in undertaking this?
> Thanks,
> Caleb Bowers
I'm not sure I follow you on this. Do you want to build this hub-spoke
topology using zeromq sockets or do you want to build this using a NORM
implementation, aka a new or enhanced transport?
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