[zeromq-dev] Imitating TCP Listener/Connecter for NORM

Bowers, Caleb Z CIV USN NRL (5522) Washington DC (USA) caleb.bowers at nrl.navy.mil
Wed Mar 23 19:09:02 CET 2022

I am interested in imitating the TCP listener/connecter setup for the multicast protocol NORM. There is a mode of NORM that enables multicast out and unicast backchannels. E.g., a hub and spoke topology where the hub multicasts to the nodes and those nodes can unicast back to the hub along the spokes.

This being the case, I think there is reasonable chance of implementing something similar to the TCP/IPC, etc listener/connecter patterns.

The code for these is not particularly well documented and I am not sure where/if an API is located. Are there any references I can consult in undertaking this?


Caleb Bowers
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