[zeromq-dev] ZMQ SUB and PUB questions

Brett Viren brett.viren at gmail.com
Thu Dec 15 14:58:07 CET 2022

Hi Joris,

Some time is needed for the PUB-SUB connection to be fully
established. This is imitated by our app code with bind()/connect()
calls but ultimately completed behind the scene by libzmq. The time it
takes depends on how long it takes the ends call bind() and connect()
and then some extra, O(100ms) maybe, is needed.

If your PUB application is sending only a single message immediately
after PUB does a connect() or bind() then this is likely the

OTOH, if the PUB is sending an ongoing stream of messages and the SUBs
are still getting nothing then something else is going on.


On Thu, Dec 15, 2022 at 8:06 AM Joris OFFOUGA <offougajoris at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I develop C++ applications based on the SUB and PUB pattern. The first application started is the PUB and then 2 other SUBs start. However, the SUBs do not receive any information from the PUB. I saw that the PUB has to be started first but in my case that can't be possible. Would you have any recommendations?
> cppzmq 4.6.0
> libzmq 4.3.2
> Thank you in advance for your help
> best regards
> Joris Offouga
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