[zeromq-dev] Fighting between zproto and zproject.

Brett Viren bv at bnl.gov
Tue Oct 15 17:27:38 CEST 2019

Hi Kevin,

Kevin Sapper <kevinsapper88 at gmail.com> writes:

> I think we need for zproto to be aware of zproject. Meaning if there's
> an api file for a class we should not generate and override the
> zproject headers.
> Maybe instead of generating header files zproto could generate api
> files. That way we avoid conflicts with zproject in regards to the
> header files.

I agree with the first and think the second is a good idea.  But, in my
case the project does not don't have API files for the zproto classes.

Baring an API file, I think zproject should be modified to NOT generate
header/source if a <model> exists for a CLASS.  That is <model> would
indicate header/source generation is delegated to something other than

Would this be consistent with the intended meaning of the <model> tag?

Would it break any existing packages or documentation if zproject GSL
modified to act this way?

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