[zeromq-dev] Can we create client socket in server scope before send ack to client?
Tomasz Michalski
tmichalski23 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 10 14:11:05 CEST 2019
I have problem that despite the code is the same on both machine A and B
connect doesn't work from machine A and works from machine B.
What might be the reason? I get errno: invalid argument:
User starts proces X:
mSock.connect("tcp://; //this one doesn't work
mSock.connect("tcp://; //this one works on
On both machines proces daemon Y is running in background (server which
binds to "tcp://*:5555). The intention is that User can communicate with
server from machine A->B and B->A invoking various tools.
This is very strange I cannot connect and "invalid argument" information is
very useful:)
czw., 10 paź 2019 o 10:13 Doron Somech <somdoron at gmail.com> napisał(a):
> It is a different sockets (sock2 and mSock), therefore the ack from C will
> be received.
> On Thu, Oct 10, 2019, 10:50 Tomasz Michalski <tmichalski23 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> One correction:
>> //Send resp to machine B (not A)
>> mSock.send(msgAck)
>> }
>> czw., 10 paź 2019 o 09:45 Tomasz Michalski <tmichalski23 at gmail.com>
>> napisał(a):
>>> Hi
>>> I have three machines. On each of them there is daemon app which perform
>>> role as server REP and bind to "tcp://*:5555". Moreover on each machine
>>> one-shoot tool can be started by user in runtime which behaves as client -
>>> create socket on port 5555,
>>> connect("tcp://concreteIpAddressGivenByUserOnArgList::5555"), send msg,
>>> destroy socket and exit.
>>> Here is the most complex case which come to my mind. Will it work?
>>> server on machine A:
>>> {
>>> mSock.bind("tcp://*:5555");
>>> mSock.recv(msg)
>>> //(Machine B sends to machine A msg)
>>> based on header I start concrete handler, in particular it may be
>>> handler which send msg2 to machine C
>>> {
>>> //Machine A in server process scope sends to machine C msg2
>>> //create temporary client sock2:
>>> sock2.connect("tcp://anotherMachineIpAddr:5555");
>>> sock2.send(msg2);
>>> sock2.recv(msg2Ack); (*) -> please see below on machine C use
>>> case
>>> //destroy sock2
>>> }
>>> //Send resp to machine A
>>> mSock.send(msgAck)
>>> }
>>> Machine C:
>>> server App: gets msg2 from machine A, process it
>>> in the meantime someone starts tool which connect to machine A and send
>>> msg3
>>> server App: ack for msg2 is sent to machine A
>>> The question is what message will be received at machine A server at
>>> this point (*). Will it be msg3 or ack for msg2?
>>> Another more complex case, what will happen if machine C will be machine
>>> B?! Will here occur deadlock?
>>> Thanks in advance for response
>>> BR
>>> Tomek
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