[zeromq-dev] Binary built with vcpkg port of CZMQ giving runtime error.

Luca Boccassi luca.boccassi at gmail.com
Tue Jul 16 23:28:21 CEST 2019

Smells like a broken build - czmq is provided on Ubuntu, so try to remove
all custom builds and instead just use and build against the system library
installing the libczmq-dev package

On Tue, 16 Jul 2019, 21:58 Stephen Gray, <riskybizlive at live.com> wrote:

> Recently czmq got ported to vcpkg:
> https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/tree/master/ports/czmq
> vcpkg is a cross-platform tool that permits easy compilation and
> management of open-source libraries and EFFORTLESS linking when building
> binaries.
> vcpkg in conjunction with newer versions of Visual Studio (e.g. I used
> 2019) offers a seamless method to permit cross-platform builds.
> To test the vcpkg-VS2019-CMake approach I have enhanced one of my existing
> CZMQ schemes, cloneStream, with CMake files and have been able, from within
> Visual Studio on Windows, to build the binaries on a remote Linux machine
> (Ubuntu 18.04) at the touch of a button.
> This is magic.  Or it seems so after many years of manually building
> open-source libraries, fighting with all the idiosyncrasies, wrestling with
> the linker paths etc. etc.
> There are three separate network connected console programs which comprise
> cloneStream; cloneOrigin, cloneProxy and cloneClient.
> This is all from long tested source code which I know to function as
> intended.
> The scheme can be run with or without CURVE security.  When CURVE is
> disabled the scheme runs fine, data flows as it should when tested on
> either Windows or Ubuntu.
> However when CURVE is enabled on the Ubuntu 18.04 machine I get some nasty
> runtime behaviour, a crash which prints:
> Illegal instruction (core dumped)
> at the moment when one console app detects the presence of its other
> networked counterparts, and presumably tries to connect.
> On Windows the scheme runs perfectly CURVE or not.
> I have checked & double checked that the CURVE security certificates are
> correct on the Ubuntu machine.
> I’ve included the CMake code here https://pastebin.com/VxrTZ5ji
> Could the problem be with Ubuntu, vcpkg or my CMake code?
> Has anyone experienced anything like this before or know what might be
> wrong?
> Suggestions much appreciated…….
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