[zeromq-dev] Zeromq Malamute status

Kevin Sapper kevinsapper88 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 5 20:33:00 CEST 2019

Hi Peter,

I can't tell you about the state of malamute.

But the dafka project might be of interest to you.

It connects a cluster of publishers to a cluster of subscribers. It also
uses one or more towers for discovery. Further you can add stores to
persist your messages. And re-read your chat messages. The tower is
currently not described in the Readme but you can have a look at the code:


Peter Yu <yukw777 at gmail.com> schrieb am Mi., 3. Juli 2019, 23:58:

> Hello everyone,
> I've been designing a chat system, and I was wondering if anyone could
> tell me a bit about the current status and direction of Malamute.
> The chat system I'm envisioning is a pub/sub system with a cluster of
> publishers sending messages to a cluster of subscribers. In order to solve
> the problem of dynamic discovery, I tried adding an intermediary as
> suggested in the guide <https://pushpin.org/>, but I noticed that the
> intermediary becomes the single point of failure. I then started looking
> for ways to have a cluster of intermediaries for resiliency, and I stumbled
> upon Malamute.
> The white paper looks awesome, and I really like the fact that it can be
> used as a library to implement custom brokers. However, it seems like the
> project is not really active and production ready. More importantly, the
> Malamute pack has not been implemented yet.
> Ultimately, I will have to pass on using Malamute and go with another
> broker, but I was very curious on what the current status and the future
> plan are. I hope you don't mind me cold emailing you with a bunch of
> questions, and thank you for your help in advance!
> Cheers,
> Peter
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