[zeromq-dev] Message batching in zmq

Doron Somech somdoron at gmail.com
Mon Aug 12 15:55:25 CEST 2019

Pooling will be cool. Zeromq already have kind of pooling when receiving,
and when sending one can use zmq_msg built-in reference counting to release
back to the pool.

Anyway, adding pooling to zeromq should be pretty simple.

We should find a lock-free pool implementation.

On Mon, Aug 12, 2019, 16:38 Francesco <francesco.montorsi at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Doron,
> Il giorno lun 12 ago 2019 alle ore 12:13 Doron Somech
> <somdoron at gmail.com> ha scritto:
> >
> > It is not waiting to batch up.
> > The background IO thread dequeue messages from internal queue of
> messages waiting to be sent.
> > Zeromq dequeue messages until that queue is empty or the buffer is full,
> so not waiting for anything.
> Right ok, I didn't meant to say that it was literally waiting doing a
> sleep() but my naive reasoning would be that the ZMQ background IO
> thread should always have its queue full of messages to send over TCP
> so that message batching up to 8KB should be happening all the time...
> but then my question (why I don't get a flat curve up to 8kB message
> sizes) applies :)
> I did some further investigation and I found that, in the 10Gbps
> environment setup I benchmarked
> (http://zeromq.org/results:10gbe-tests-v432) the performances are
> bounded by the remote_thr side, when sending 64B frames. Here is what
> "perf top" reports on the 2 worker threads of the remote_thr app:
> main remote_thr thread:
>  23,33%  libzmq.so.5.2.3   [.] zmq::ypipe_t<zmq::msg_t, 256>::flush
>   22,86%  libc-2.17.so      [.] malloc
>   20,00%  libc-2.17.so      [.] _int_malloc
>   11,51%  libzmq.so.5.2.3   [.] zmq::pipe_t::write
>    4,35%  libzmq.so.5.2.3   [.] zmq::ypipe_t<zmq::msg_t, 256>::write
>    2,38%  libzmq.so.5.2.3   [.] zmq::socket_base_t::send
>    1,81%  libzmq.so.5.2.3   [.] zmq::lb_t::sendpipe
>    1,36%  libzmq.so.5.2.3   [.] zmq::msg_t::init_size
>    1,33%  libzmq.so.5.2.3   [.] zmq::pipe_t::flush
> zmq bg IO remote_thr thread:
>   38,35%  libc-2.17.so        [.] _int_free
>   13,61%  libzmq.so.5.2.3     [.] zmq::pipe_t::read
>    9,24%  libc-2.17.so        [.] __memcpy_ssse3_back
>    8,99%  libzmq.so.5.2.3     [.] zmq::msg_t::size
>    3,22%  libzmq.so.5.2.3     [.]
> zmq::encoder_base_t<zmq::v2_encoder_t>::encode
>    2,34%  [kernel]            [k] sysret_check
>    2,20%  libzmq.so.5.2.3     [.] zmq::ypipe_t<zmq::msg_t, 256>::check_read
>    2,15%  libzmq.so.5.2.3     [.] zmq::ypipe_t<zmq::msg_t, 256>::read
>    1,32%  libc-2.17.so        [.] free
> So my feeling is that even if the message batching is happening, right
> now it's the zmq_msg_init_size() call that is limiting the
> performances actually.
> This is the same problem I experienced in a more complex contest and
> that I described in this email thread:
>   https://lists.zeromq.org/pipermail/zeromq-dev/2019-July/033012.html
> > If we would support the zerocopy we can make the buffer larger than 8kb,
> and when the buffer is full we would use the zerocopy flag.
> Right. However before getting benefits from the new kernel zerocopy
> flag I think we should somehow allow the libzmq users to use some kind
> of memory pooling, otherwise my feeling is that the performance
> benefit would be neglible... what do you think?
> Thanks,
> Francesco
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