[zeromq-dev] FOSDEM 2019 - annual ZeroMQ meetup/hackaton

Benjamin Henrion zoobab at gmail.com
Fri Mar 30 18:23:38 CEST 2018

On Fri, Mar 30, 2018 at 6:15 PM, Luca Boccassi <luca.boccassi at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Yes, it's not even 2 months since FOSDEM 2018, I know :-)
> But the dates for FOSDEM 2019 have been officially announced, February
> the 2nd and 3rd:
> https://fosdem.org/2018/news/2018-03-30-dates-fosdem-2019/
> So I thought to start the thread already, as it might help folks who
> come from afar to get cheaper airfare and accommodation.
> So, same procedure as every year? Thursday and Friday at Hackerspace
> Benjamin, is that ok? Can we go on and book it already?

Yes, you can book it, same place.

Maybe we can also try to do a mini-conf with an hour if people wants
to present their pet projects.

Benjamin Henrion (zoobab)
Email: zoobab at gmail.com
Mobile: +32-484-566109
Web: http://www.zoobab.com
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