[zeromq-dev] Recovering a ROUTER socket

Mark Botner mbotner at gmail.com
Fri Aug 24 21:45:41 CEST 2018

Take a look at the setsockopt() call:

ZMQ_IDENTITY: Set socket identity

The *ZMQ_IDENTITY* option shall set the identity of the specified *socket* when
connecting to a ROUTER socket. The identity should be from 1 to 255 bytes
long and may contain any values.
If two clients use the same identity when connecting to a ROUTER, the
results shall depend on the ZMQ_ROUTER_HANDOVER option setting. If that is
not set (or set to the default of zero), the ROUTER socket shall reject
clients trying to connect with an already-used identity. If that option is
set to 1, the ROUTER socket shall hand-over the connection to the new
client and disconnect the existing one.
Option value type binary data
Option value unit N/A
Default value NULL
Applicable socket types ZMQ_REQ, ZMQ_REP, ZMQ_ROUTER, ZMQ_DEALER.

On Fri, Aug 24, 2018 at 2:28 PM, Sam Stein <sam.stein at tempustechnologies.com
> wrote:

> The documentation for a ROUTER socket says: “When receiving messages a
> *ZMQ_ROUTER* socket shall prepend a message part containing the *identity*
> of the originating peer to the message before passing it to the
> application.”
> When our bound endpoint goes down, it drops currently pending requests to
> a text file.
> 008000002D
> Hello world
> When we boot a new one, it can read these files, but it can’t identify the
> client in question because the identifier was unique to the previous
> socket. It has no concept of who this “008000002D” client is (or sends it
> to a new client it has identified with this tag).
> The question is, can we force a ROUTER socket to use a unique identity
> provided by the client instead of making one up on its own?
> Thank you,
> Sam Stein
> Software Developer
> Tempus Technologies, Inc.
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