[zeromq-dev] client/server sockets -- stability

Bill Torpey wallstprog at gmail.com
Mon Oct 16 17:53:35 CEST 2017

Hi All:

Without going into too much detail (I’ll save that for another post when I’ve gotten all my ducks in a row), it looks like I’ve found a solution to the problems I’ve been having using different socket types to do inter-thread synchronization, which ends up being client/server sockets over inproc.  (Which ironically has nothing to do with their thread-safety, but everything to do with the fact that sends will block until the message can be queued/delivered).

I notice the disclaimer that these are drafts and subject to change, etc., so my question is whether there is any expectation around when these socket types will be declared “stable”?  

Can anyone shed any light on the process needed to move these to stable status, and/or what the timeframe might be?

Many thanks in advance for any help!


Bill Torpey


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