[zeromq-dev] Problem with REQ/REP and ZMQ_REQ_RELAXED

Erik Thiele erik.thiele at thiele-hydraulik.de
Fri Jun 2 08:02:48 CEST 2017


attached to this mail are two minimum programs.
i am using debian linux with libzmq3 version 4.0.5.
compile the programs like this:

gcc -Wall -Werror server.c -o server -lzmq
gcc -Wall -Werror client.c -o client -lzmq

now start them both.

output of server process:
receiving first
sending first
receiving second
*** now blocking forever

output of client process:
sending first
sending second
*** now blocking forever

If i do not set the options ZMQ_REQ_RELAXED and ZMQ_REQ_CORRELATE in
the client process, then sending the second time of course fails
because the state machine is in receive mode. But with this option I
would expect it does not block, but instead send the next message which
should then be received in the server. instead the client blocks
forever which I do not understand. What's wrong here?

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