[zeromq-dev] zsock_brecv documentation

Luca Boccassi luca.boccassi at gmail.com
Sat Jul 22 14:15:47 CEST 2017

On Sat, 2017-07-22 at 09:54 +0000, Juergen Gnoss wrote:
> Problem: zsock_brecv documentation
> There was an issue on Dec 2015 #1223
> https://github.com/zeromq/czmq/issues/1223
> and it has been fixed
> actual documentation says
> // Note that zsock_brecv creates the returned objects, and the caller
> must
> // destroy them when finished with them.
> OK that's clear if it is clear what an object is.
> //      c       zchunk_t *              type = "chunk"
> //      f       zframe_t *              type = "frame"
> //      u       zuuid_t *               type = "uuid"
> //      m       zmsg_t *                type = "msg"
> could be easy identified as objects
> but what's about
> //      s       char *, 0-255 chars     type = "string"
> //      S       char *, 0-2^32-1 chars  type = "longstr"
> a longstr I have to free, a string not
> if I try to destroy a string valgrind complains with
> Invalid free() / delete / delete[] / realloc()
> ‘’’c
> int res = 0;
> char *data;
> char *cmd;
>     res = zsock_brecv(self->workerClient, "sS", &cmd, &data);
>     if (res != 0) {
>         fprintf(stderr, "error receive msg from worker server\n%s\n",
> zmq_strerror (errno));
>     } else {
>         do something with cmd and data
>     }
>     if (cmd != NULL) {
>         free(cmd);
>     }
>     if (data != NULL) {
>         free(data);
>     }
> ‘’’
> Am I the only one running into that trap?
> Ju

Yes it was a bit wrong and confusing. I've now updated the
documentation: https://github.com/zeromq/czmq/pull/1712

Kind regards,
Luca Boccassi
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