[zeromq-dev] Example for building against ZMQ with CMake + UDP Multicast Support

Stephan Opfer opfer at vs.uni-kassel.de
Tue Jan 10 17:13:21 CET 2017

Hi all,

I could need a little help with using ZMQ. I try to setup my project with CMake under Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and I need the ZMQ UDP Multicast Support available as draft in the latest version.

Does somebody have an working example CMake based project?

I tried to compile the test_radio_dish.cpp by replacing the testutil.hpp by directly including the necessary headers. So far I #include <zmq.h> and #include <cstring>.

I got the compile error: ‘zmq_msg_set_group’ was not declared in this scope "rc = zmq_msg_set_group (msg_, group_);"

My first guess would be that I didn't compile libzmq the right way for being "zmq_msg_set_group" available. Here is what I did:

- Download the tar for libzmq 4.2

- ./configure --enable-drafts

- make

- sudo make install

After that the libraries where located in /usr/local/lib and the headers in /usr/local/include.



Distributed Systems Research Group
Stephan Opfer  T. +49 561 804-6283  F. +49 561 804-6277
Univ. Kassel,  FB 16,  Wilhelmshöher Allee 73,  D-34121 Kassel
WWW: http://www.uni-kassel.de/go/vs_stephan-opfer/

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