[zeromq-dev] Updating zguide

Kevin Sapper kevinsapper88 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 2 20:16:01 CET 2017

Hi Kyle,

it is a semi manual process. There a build and upload script in the 
repository that has be invoked by someone with permissions to the 
wikidot page.

Who has access to the zguide wikidot? @zoobab, @bluca, @somdoron?

I can do it in the future if I get access!

//Kevin (sappo)

On Mo, Jan 2, 2017 at 7:45 , Kyle Kelley <rgbkrk at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey all,
> How does zguide get updated nowadays? My PR was merged for updating
> the zeromq binding references for node. Is there something I can help
> with or is there a manual wikidot process to bring in changes?
> --
> Kyle Kelley (@rgbkrk; lambdaops.com)
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