[zeromq-dev] Jyre on jzmq-api

Stephen Riesenberg stephen.riesenberg at gmail.com
Thu Feb 16 14:55:10 CET 2017

Hi all,

For the past year or two I've been working on jzmq-api in my spare time,
trying to mature it so it can eventually become a 1.0 library. The best way
I've found to do this is actually build things with it. To that end, I've
got some ideas for a new library that uses the ZRE protocol, so I decided
to refactor the existing Java port of Zyre, called Jyre, from jzmq to
jzmq-api. I noticed that there has continued to be a lot of development on
Zyre in C, which is very exciting. And Jyre currently only supports the
retired ZRE 1.0 protocol. So I also decided to update it to support 2.0 and
add some of the features from the C version.

So, a few questions for Java folks. Does anyone use the Jyre project
currently? If so, what is the best option for the implementation I'm
working on? Should I leave it in parallel to the existing, in the same
project? Should I create a new project for it? Should I split it into a
separate module within the existing Jyre project? I'm looking for the best
way to get this out there so people wanting to use Zyre on the JVM can have
a pure Java option.

No matter what, this will be a good thing for jzmq-api, as it will force us
(me at least) to polish jzmq-api up and get a new version out there. Note
that jzmq-api currently works with both jzmq and jeromq, so you can still
switch between libzmq and the pure Java implementation of ZeroMQ, which is
very nice.

You can see the work in progress here: https://github.com/sjohnr/jyre
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