[zeromq-dev] malamute python2 bindings -- advice needed

Aaron Sokoloski asokoloski at gmail.com
Mon Jan 25 17:13:05 CET 2016

Oh, and one last option is to just give up on all this and instead try to
add the ability to generate a pure-python client engine using zproto.

On 25 January 2016 at 08:47, Aaron Sokoloski <asokoloski at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I'm trying to create a small python binding for malamute, by writing a
> wrapper around the auto-generated zproject binding for python2.  I've got
> it partly working, but I've gotten stuck and could use some advice, in the
> hope of saving time pursuing a dead-end.
> My problim is trying to convert the zmsg_t* returned by mlm_client_recv to
> something python code can deal with, ideally, just a list of strings.
> Using libczmq in C this is quite simple.  So I thought that from python, I
> could either A) use the czmq bindings auto-generated by zproject or B) use
> pyczmq.
> However, for each of these approaches I ran into problems that I'm not
> sure how to fix.
> A) czmq.py doesn't seem to get installed, and seems broken at the moment
> too.  Should it be installed along with libczmq?  Maybe nobody is using
> it.  I could try to fix it up, but even then, does it make sense to have
> this exist alongside pyczmq?
> B) pyczmq uses CFFI, while zproject generates Ctypes bindings.  I've tried
> to get these to work together, and have encountered a lot of pain and not
> much success so far.
> I thought about trying to modify zproject_python.gsl to generate partial
> bindings for dependencies of a class, but this just seems a bit wrongheaded.
> I could add another method to mlm_client JUST to support the python
> bindings, but this also seems ugly, and grows more ugly if there are other
> methods added that deal with czmq objects.
> Maybe the right thing to do is to change zproject to also generate a CFFI
> version of the python bindings.  Then the malamute CFFI bindings could
> interact with pyczmq easily.  However, this is a bit more work so I wanted
> to get people's thoughts first.
> Cheers,
> Aaron
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