[zeromq-dev] Heartbeating in zproto protocol design

Aaron Sokoloski asokoloski at gmail.com
Thu Jan 21 20:43:48 CET 2016

My guess as to the rationale behind having the client initiate heartbeats
and specify the interval is that clients may have widely varying
appropriate values.  So if you know you've got a high-latency connection,
you can set a long interval, but if you know your connection is quick and
want to find out quickly that the connection has been dropped, you can set
a short one.  But this is just a guess.

On 21 January 2016 at 13:39, Mario Steinhoff <steinhoff.mario at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> so the zproto README contains a section about protocol design decisions
> based on learned experience. It states that the most robust solution seems
> to be one where the client initiates heartbeats and the server responds to
> them. If either side finds that there is no response, it will kill the
> connection respectivel
> <http://www.dict.cc/englisch-deutsch/respectively.html>y try to reconnect.
> I wrote a server/client implementation where heartbeating is done the
> other way around (the server will initiate heartbeats, clients will
> respond) and looking at some quick superficial kill -9 based tests, that
> also seems to work very well.
> Are there any drawbacks to this approach that I might have missed or is
> this just a matter of taste?
> Thanks
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