[zeromq-dev] ZeroMQ for Contiki OS

Axel Voitier axel.voitier at gmail.com
Wed Jan 20 04:01:08 CET 2016


I have published an attempt at porting zeromq to Contiki OS:

It has a few limitations still. However, I covered most basics of ZMTP and
a handful of sockets. It is not entirely compliant with the RFCs for the
moment though (some parts prove to be harder to do than I expected).

I have been able to run it on a constrained setup: ARM Cortext M3 running
at 32MHz, with 512KB of flash (the demo programs weight about 130KB) and
80KB of RAM. And with a sub-1GHz RF link.

The implementation makes use of Contiki network stack, which can use TCP,
IPv4, IPv6 and 6LoWPAN. I actually tested it over 6LoWPAN on the sub-GHz
link :).

It is not has featured and fast as running zeromq between two usual
computers. But I hope this implementation prove it is feasible to have
ZeroMQ on such constrained hardware :).

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