[zeromq-dev] Would like to be a Windows ZeroMQ mentor?

Osiris Pedroso opedroso at gmail.com
Mon Jan 18 18:30:32 CET 2016

My name is Osiris Pedroso and I am new to ZeroMQ.
I am a Windows software developer with 30+ years of experience, mostly in
I would like to learn how to build/develop ZMQ in Windows and how to
interact with the ZMQ community.

I followed the steps in this page (https://github.com/zeromq/libzmq) to get
the Windows source and build it, but they don't seem to be
correct/complete. For example, when I try to build the source following
these instructions, I get several compilation errors that there are missing
libsodium include files and libraries, which indicate that the source I got
is not complete. I searched the ZeroMQ.org site for mentions to libsodium
and found one on this page (http://zeromq.org/build:_start) that points to
a site that has a bunch of zip from libsodium 1.0.2 through 1.0.8. I assume
I should use the latest version.

Really appreciate your help getting me going.

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