[zeromq-dev] More examples for zguide and tornado and asyncio ioloop

Pieter Hintjens ph at imatix.com
Fri Feb 12 22:24:36 CET 2016

Yes, please, send pull requests to the Guide repo. Thanks!

On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 7:49 PM, Dave Kuhlman <dkuhlman at davekuhlman.org> wrote:
> I've taken some of the Python examples in the zguide and have
> adapted them for Python 3 and the async style.  I've done this both
> for use with the tornadoweb ioloop and the asyncio ioloop.
> I'm hoping that these examples might be useful to other ZeroMQ
> Python programmers who might be struggling to use the async style.
> While I am definitely not an expert in this area, these modified
> examples seem to run OK.  But, they do need some vetting by someone
> who has a deeper understanding than I do.
> You can find them here: https://github.com/dkuhlman/zguide.git
> Look under:
> - examples/Python/tornado_ioloop
> - examples/Python/asyncio_ioloop
> If someone else thinks this example code is worth including in the
> zguide and is willing to review it, that'd be great.  And, I'm
> willing to do more work on it.
> I can send a pull request on Github, when and if that's helpful.
> Dave
> --
> Dave Kuhlman
> http://www.davekuhlman.org
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