[zeromq-dev] More examples for zguide and tornado and asyncio ioloop

Dave Kuhlman dkuhlman at davekuhlman.org
Fri Feb 12 19:49:13 CET 2016

I've taken some of the Python examples in the zguide and have
adapted them for Python 3 and the async style.  I've done this both
for use with the tornadoweb ioloop and the asyncio ioloop.

I'm hoping that these examples might be useful to other ZeroMQ
Python programmers who might be struggling to use the async style.

While I am definitely not an expert in this area, these modified
examples seem to run OK.  But, they do need some vetting by someone
who has a deeper understanding than I do.

You can find them here: https://github.com/dkuhlman/zguide.git

Look under:

- examples/Python/tornado_ioloop
- examples/Python/asyncio_ioloop

If someone else thinks this example code is worth including in the
zguide and is willing to review it, that'd be great.  And, I'm
willing to do more work on it.

I can send a pull request on Github, when and if that's helpful.



Dave Kuhlman

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