[zeromq-dev] czmq python binding test fail

Benjamin Henrion zoobab at gmail.com
Fri Feb 5 09:34:40 CET 2016


Czmq python binding test fail, I have got the same error with either
python2.7 or python3.4 (see below).

Also I would like to know how to properly install this binding on my
system, ">>> import czmq" works when I am in the current directory,
does not work when I am outside.


$ python2.7 test.py
ERROR: test_zmsg (__main__.TestCZMQ)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test.py", line 708, in test_zmsg
    buffer_size = msg.encode(buffer)
  File "/home/zoobab/soft/czmq-master/bindings/python/czmq/_czmq_ctypes.py",
line 4357, in     encode
    return lib.zmsg_encode(self._as_parameter_,
ArgumentError: argument 2: <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: expected
LP_c_void_p instance    instead of pointer to LP_c_byte

Ran 10 tests in 2.947s

FAILED (errors=1)

Benjamin Henrion <bhenrion at ffii.org>
FFII Brussels - +32-484-566109 - +32-2-3500762
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