[zeromq-dev] XRAP clarification: Are parameters/metadata case sensitive?

Tom Quarendon tom.quarendon at teamwpc.co.uk
Tue Feb 2 10:03:31 CET 2016

It’s not specified in the XRAP specification whether or not the names in the parameter hash, or the returned metadata hash are case sensitive or not.
When actually attempting to implement this, I think this is information that is required.
In HTTP, header fields are case insensitive. In HTTP/2 I believe it even goes as far as to say that the header names have to be passed in lower case.

I don’t know what would be most appropriate in this circumstance, I think that having them case insensitive, or equivalently always passed in lower case, would be most sensible.

Assuming concensus is reached, can the spec be edited to reflect?
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