[zeromq-dev] nomenclature

Andriy Drozdyuk drozzy at gmail.com
Wed Aug 24 18:04:43 CEST 2016


The FMC folks use "channels" to describe this kind of stuff:
Sounds like you might benefit from a "system map":

On Wed, 24 Aug 2016 at 11:31 Andrew Hume <andrew at humeweb.com> wrote:

> in discussions within my group, we often refer to the complete data flows
> between the various
> parts of a distributed application as a “communication web”. this includes
> a bunch of different
> stuff, including (but not limited to) normal zeromq links, pub-sub
> connections, broker-mediated
> links, job queues.
> technically, this is more like a directed graph of data flow.
> the term “communication web” is clumsy at best. are there better terms we
> could use? how do people on
> this list describe the data flow parts of their architectures?
>         andrew
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