[zeromq-dev] Erlang implementation of ZMTP 3.1

Luca Boccassi luca.boccassi at gmail.com
Sat Aug 13 20:09:36 CEST 2016


It means that the upstream repository would become
github.com/zeromq/erlangzmq together with all the other implementations,
and of course you'll become a member of the org and have full admin rights
on that repository

On Aug 13, 2016 18:59, "Andriy Drozdyuk" <drozzy at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, Peter.
> What did you mean by "bring the project into the ZeroMQ organization on
> github"?
> Would I still be able to oversee the development process? In particular,
> accepting patches, nominating contributors etc...
> How does that work?
> Thank you.
> On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 at 12:39 Andriy Drozdyuk <drozzy at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Pieter. I've read all those things when I learned zmq :) I agree
>> with what you're suggesting, but that model doesn't really work for me at
>> this time. I was thinking of trying it this way for a year to see what
>> happens in the future.
>> Elliot, thanks for that distinction. I've never thought about that but it
>> makes perfect sense.
>> Regarding curve, that would be amazing. This was going to be my next
>> goal. You can contact me at drozzy at choven.ca so we can discuss it
>> further.
>> On Thu, 30 Jun 2016, 5:10 a.m. Elliot Crosby-McCullough, <
>> elliot.cm at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Andriy,
>>> Glad to see a full BEAM implementation.
>>> I've been working on something similar in Elixir (https://github.com/
>>> SmartCasual/elixir-zeromq) but since you've gotten further in Erlang
>>> I'll take a look at contributing Curve support to yours instead, since all
>>> I really wanted was native BEAM instead of a binding to the C library given
>>> the dangers and/or inefficiencies of doing so.
>>> I'll have to look more closely into the licensing you've gone for to see
>>> whether it's compatible with my needs.
>>> Small note, but what you've got there is an implementation not a binding
>>> (which is a good thing).  It would be a binding if it used e.g. the C
>>> library to do the work.
>>> Regards,
>>> Elliot
>>> On 28 June 2016 at 18:09, Andriy Drozdyuk <drozzy at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> At Pieter's suggestion, I am putting this here:
>>>> https://github.com/chovencorp/erlangzmq
>>>> Native erlang 18 implementation of ZMTP 3.1 (including resource
>>>> property), but without any security.
>>>> Hopefully it will be useful to people. I know I'll use it myself -
>>>> since all (native) erlang bindings are out of date.
>>>> This is a six month young project, so this is NOT performance or
>>>> otherwise tested at all, and I would appreciate any feedback (just take a
>>>> second to file an issue).
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> --Andriy Drozdyuk
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