[zeromq-dev] Question on connecting a C++ model to a Java model via Python uzing ZeroMQ
Stephen Riesenberg
stephen.riesenberg at gmail.com
Sat Apr 30 06:42:11 CEST 2016
Glad to hear you've made progress.
Have you yet read the ZeroMQ guide <http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:all>?
There are numerous chapters that go into gory detail about how to build
various types of communication patterns. For your use-case, a very basic
usage should suffice I think, though you can add sophistication once you
get a basic example working.
I think you basically have a Server (REQ) and a Client (REP) program. By
default, calls to recv messages are blocking, so that should solve your
wait part, at least for example purposes. And REQ sockets will take turns
sending to each client, roughly speaking. You would probably want to start
by reading the first few chapters up to Chapter 3, possibly Chapter 4. At
some point, you may graduate to a poller-based loop, but shouldn't need to
get much more sophisticated.
Let us know how it goes.
On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 3:58 PM, Sara Rimer <sara.p.rimer at gmail.com> wrote:
> This worked!!!! Thank you so much!!
> As a follow-up question, I was just curious if you might have a
> recommendation to me for how I conceptually set up my ZeroMQ system. So I
> basically want a server that I run that receives and sends messages to two
> clients. Client1 waits for a message from the Server before it runs for a
> given time, then sends a message to the Server once it has finished.
> Client2 waits to receive a message from the Server that it sends once it
> receives a message from Client1. Then once Client2 receives this message,
> it runs for a given time and sends a message to the Server to then deploy
> Client1. And this repeats.
> I think I am stuck as to how to do the "waiting" part for both of the
> clients. Do you have any suggestions?
> I can't thank you enough for your help.
> On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 12:16 AM, Stephen Riesenberg <
> stephen.riesenberg at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Looks like you're on the right path now. So -Djava.library.path is what
>> allows the Java program to find the binary linked library for jzmq. For
>> reference, -D is a flag that allows you to pass runtime environment
>> parameters which are available via e.g.
>> System.getProperty("java.library.path").
>> So for Eclipse, you need two things.
>> 1. Set up your program to run with that property (java.library.path)
>> set, which can be done per program (main) or globally.
>> 2. Set up your classpath.
>> I'm using STS, but should be the same.
>> To set your library path for a program, go to Run -> Run Configurations
>> -> Java Application -> [your program] -> Arguments tab. If you don't have
>> any programs yet, just right-click your program with a main() and run
>> it. It gets created automatically even if it has errors. In the Arguments
>> tab, under VM arguments, add -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/lib.
>> To set your classpath, I usually use Maven or Gradle, but if you're
>> rolling your own custom project with no dependency management, you right
>> click your project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries tab, then
>> add your jar(s).
>> Hope that helps.
>> Also, if you want to set up a Maven or Gradle based sample ZeroMQ Java
>> project, let me know, and I can help with that. It would be a nice repo to
>> have on GitHub for people like yourself to fork and start coding.
>> On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 6:24 PM, Sara Rimer <sara.p.rimer at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Ok, so I ran the
>>> mvn test
>>> and it everything was okay. I was originally trying to rebuild some
>>> basic ZeroMQ programs using Java just to make sure it worked (my preferred
>>> language is Python). But while the programs would compile, they wouldn't
>>> run. That is when I went back to looking for tutorials and came across one
>>> that used local_lat as an example, which thanks to your advice I
>>> abandoned trying it.
>>> Thus, I retried building hwClient.java and hwServer.java and I finally
>>> got them to work! My issue was pointing to the correct classpaths (which I
>>> am not quite used to doing in Java), and also adding in this (
>>> -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/lib), but I don't really understand what
>>> the "-Djava" command does).
>>> Anyway, I had to add the following paths so my command looked like this:
>>> java -cp
>>> ./:/usr/local/share/java/zmq.jar:/home/sara/Applications/zeromq/jzmq/jzmq-jni/src/main/c++/zmq.jar
>>> -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/lib hwClient
>>> The Java program that I have built that I am trying to implement ZeroMQ
>>> with I have built within Eclipse. So I am not really used to working with
>>> Java via the terminal. Thus, I was wondering how I can I run the command
>>> above via Eclipse? That is, if you are familiar with Eclipse, how to I add
>>> these classpaths?
>>> -cp
>>> ./:/usr/local/share/java/zmq.jar:/home/sara/Applications/zeromq/jzmq/jzmq-jni/src/main/c++/zmq.jar
>>> And then how do I implement the following command in Eclipse?
>>> -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/lib hwClient
>>> Thank you all. I appreciate your help.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Sara
>>> On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 9:35 PM, Stephen Riesenberg <
>>> stephen.riesenberg at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Sara,
>>>> While I've done quite a bit of working with jzmq on my local machine,
>>>> I've rarely run the local_lat program that's used as an example on the
>>>> documentation page for the java binding. So, I may be off a bit, but I
>>>> think you would need to build the C++ project in the
>>>> jzmq/builds/msvc/local_lat to have that class available. Possibly at
>>>> one time it was included in the jar, but that may have changed and it looks
>>>> like it isn't any longer.
>>>> Perhaps try running the following (assuming you have maven installed)
>>>> in the local directory where you downloaded and built jzmq:
>>>> mvn test
>>>> Another option is the JeroMQ test suite, which includes several of the
>>>> guide examples, which also requires you to download and set up the project
>>>> locally (using maven). Or skip it and drop these classes into your own
>>>> project (
>>>> https://github.com/sjohnr/jeromq/blob/develop/src/test/java/guide/hwclient.java
>>>> ,
>>>> https://github.com/sjohnr/jeromq/blob/develop/src/test/java/guide/hwserver.java
>>>> ).
>>>> Or try running a minimal example of your own within your own project.
>>>> Hope that helps.
>>>> On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 7:55 PM, Sara Rimer <sara.p.rimer at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>> I am finally getting back to this part of my project. So I think the
>>>>> issue is that I just can't get ZeroMQ to work with Java on my machine. I
>>>>> have tried JeroMQ as well. I have been following this guide:
>>>>> http://zeromq.org/bindings:java and when I try
>>>>> $ java -cp /usr/local/share/java/zmq.jar:. local_lat tcp:// 1 100
>>>>> I get this error
>>>>> Error: Could not find or load main class local_lat
>>>>> I think I have just not found a good guide for how to set up ZeroMQ
>>>>> for Java on Linux 12.04. Any suggestions?
>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>> Sara
>>>>> On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 8:30 PM, Stephen Riesenberg <
>>>>> stephen.riesenberg at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Sara,
>>>>>> How far have you gotten in your effort? Do you have an example class?
>>>>>> What issues did you run into? What requirements do you have for your
>>>>>> API? Is it files, or just data you are sending back and forth between these
>>>>>> two environments?
>>>>>> Sorry for so many questions, but I bet with a few details we can get
>>>>>> you pointed in the right direction. Sounds like an interesting project!
>>>>>> On Friday, March 25, 2016, Sara Rimer <sara.p.rimer at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> This is most likely a very basic usage of ZeroMQ, but I am a
>>>>>>> computational engineer and I am trying to connect a hydraulic model written
>>>>>>> in C++ to a decision tree model written in Java. I would like to send data
>>>>>>> files back and forth between the two programs. I am using ZeroMQ for this.
>>>>>>> And I have gotten ZeroMQ to work via Python no problem (which I am planning
>>>>>>> on using for my C++ model which I run via a bash script). However, I am
>>>>>>> having difficulty interfacing it with Java. I was planning on just creating
>>>>>>> a class in Java that is solely used to interface with ZeroMQ. Does anyone
>>>>>>> have any suggestions?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Sara
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Sara Rimer
>>>>> University of Michigan Graduate Student
>>>>> Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
>>>>> srimer at umich.edu
>>>>> sara.p.rimer at gmail.com
>>>>> 269.483.6334
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>>> --
>>> Sara Rimer
>>> University of Michigan Graduate Student
>>> Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
>>> srimer at umich.edu
>>> sara.p.rimer at gmail.com
>>> 269.483.6334
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> --
> Sara Rimer
> University of Michigan Graduate Student
> Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
> srimer at umich.edu
> sara.p.rimer at gmail.com
> 269.483.6334
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