[zeromq-dev] Behavior question for Malamute self_test

Michal Vyskocil michal.vyskocil at gmail.com
Fri Apr 29 18:50:04 CEST 2016

Interesting, the disconnect is reported in the same second as connect.

My guess is that the debugger stops the mlm_server actor, so it became
disconnected from clients pov. But it should happen after 3 unsuccessful
Dne 29. 4. 2016 4:33 PM napsal uživatel "Osiris Pedroso" <opedroso at gmail.com

> I noticed that if I set a breakpoint in the line below marked "BP>", and
> do single step execution of the asserts and zstr_free statements, the next
> receive will fail and the test does not proceed beyond that point.
> In malamute\src\mlm_client.c, mlm_client_test() has these code lines:
> ```
>     mlm_client_set_producer (writer, "weather");
>     mlm_client_set_consumer (reader, "weather", "temp.*");
>     mlm_client_sendx (writer, "temp.moscow", "1", NULL);
>     mlm_client_sendx (writer, "rain.moscow", "2", NULL);
>     mlm_client_sendx (writer, "temp.madrid", "3", NULL);
>     mlm_client_sendx (writer, "rain.madrid", "4", NULL);
>     mlm_client_sendx (writer, "temp.london", "5", NULL);
>     mlm_client_sendx (writer, "rain.london", "6", NULL);
>     char *subject, *content;
>     mlm_client_recvx (reader, &subject, &content, NULL);
>     assert (streq (subject, "temp.moscow"));
>     assert (streq (content, "1"));
>     assert (streq (mlm_client_command (reader), "STREAM DELIVER"));
>     assert (streq (mlm_client_sender (reader), "writer"));
>     zstr_free (&subject);
>     zstr_free (&content);
> BP>    mlm_client_recvx (reader, &subject, &content, NULL);
>     assert (streq (subject, "temp.madrid"));
>     assert (streq (content, "3"));
>     assert (streq (mlm_client_command (reader), "STREAM DELIVER"));
>     assert (streq (mlm_client_subject (reader), "temp.madrid"));
>     assert (streq (mlm_client_sender (reader), "writer"));
>     zstr_free (&subject);
>     zstr_free (&content);
> // this next recvx never returns... have to ^C to stop the test run...
>     rc = mlm_client_recvx(reader, &subject, &content, NULL);
>     assert(rc != -1);
>     assert(streq(subject, "temp.london"));
>     assert(streq(content, "5"));
> ```
> When running the test with verbose and breakpoint enabled I see these
> printouts that I do not see when running with no breakpoints.
> ```
> D: 16-04-29 09:20:53   1251:mlm_client                       : connected:
> D: 16-04-29 09:20:53   1251:mlm_client                       : connected:
> D: 16-04-29 09:20:53   1251:mlm_client                       :     expired
> D: 16-04-29 09:20:53   1251:mlm_client                       :     expired
> D: 16-04-29 09:20:53   1251:mlm_client                       :         $
> server has gone offline
> D: 16-04-29 09:20:53   1251:mlm_client                       :         $
> server has gone offline
> D: 16-04-29 09:20:53   1251:mlm_client                       :         >
> disconnected
> D: 16-04-29 09:20:53   1251:mlm_client                       :         >
> disconnected
> D: 16-04-29 09:20:53   1251:mlm_client                       :
> disconnected:
> D: 16-04-29 09:20:53   1251:mlm_client                       :
> D: 16-04-29 09:20:53   1251:mlm_client                       :         >
> disconnected
> ```
> Any ideas why stepping over seven source code lines (no matter how fast I
> do it) would expire the server connection?
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