[zeromq-dev] ZeroMQ on mobile devices

Dinu Gherman gherman at darwin.in-berlin.de
Thu Apr 28 18:28:05 CEST 2016


I've been a long time silent lurker here after having invited Pieter to EuroPython Berlin in 2014. Since then I was working for an IoT startup based on a Scala backend and MQTT messaging. I learned that Scala doesn't imply scaling automatically only because of it's name and MQTT is a thing of the past, useful for the toys of today. But sometimes technology choices are a matter of politics and egomania...

So I want to look deeper into ZMQ again, with a focus on Python, and might ask a few dumb questions, since almost two years have passed since I've played with it.

I have also a concept of IoT in mind where devices build a mesh and can talk to each other rather than only over some "cloud". I started reading the Malamute whitepaper and will address that, later.

For now, how well does ZMQ run on mobile phone-like devices, iOS and Android? I can't find something very specific about that.



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