[zeromq-dev] Moving list to Google groups?

Brian Knox bknox at digitalocean.com
Tue Apr 19 13:54:22 CEST 2016

Excellent. +1 for staying with mailman then.

On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 5:21 AM, Kevin Sapper <kevinsapper88 at gmail.com>

> Staying with Mailman is indeed the better choice. Even though I like
> Google groups they don't have an option the migrate away from it which is a
> deal breaker IMO.
> Regarding helping out Ewen I gladly volunteer.
> 2016-04-19 5:30 GMT+02:00 Indradhanush Gupta <indradhanush.gupta at gmail.com
> >:
>> On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 8:44 AM, Pieter Hintjens <pieterh at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> OK, we need a small set of admins, who can work with my friend Ewen
>>> McNeill, who has kept archives over the years, to migrate to mailmanlists
>>> and then manage the lists (zeromq-announce is #2). Justin, it's your baby.
>>> Thank you.
>> This is great. I'd like to volunteer if you need an extra hand.
>>> On 19 Apr 2016 05:10, "Pieter Hintjens" <pieterh at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Justin, that is a great proposal, thank you for finding it. I'd prefer
>>> keeping mailman, for familiarity.
>>> On 19 Apr 2016 04:36, "Justin Karneges" <justin at affinix.com> wrote:
>>>> Hey folks,
>>>> I spoke with MailmanLists and they are willing to host the ZeroMQ
>>>> mailing list for free. All they ask for is a link on the mailing list
>>>> page. If you'd prefer the list remain Mailman-based and simply don't
>>>> want to host it, then I'd say this is the best the way to go. They'll
>>>> import archives too.
>>>> Re: MailmanLists vs. dotList (aka Mailmanhost), both appear to be
>>>> Mailman hosting experts with a long lives (8 years and 11 years,
>>>> respectively). Other than cost, it's hard to say on the outside which
>>>> one is better, but as a customer of MailmanLists I can vouch for their
>>>> helpful support. MailmanLists also claims to be a financial contributor
>>>> to the FSF which is pretty cool.
>>>> On Mon, Apr 18, 2016, at 05:21 PM, c wrote:
>>>> > Jim Idle <jimi at temporal-wave.com> writes:
>>>> >
>>>> > I'm a nay on Google Groups. As seen with SourceForge, sometimes the
>>>> > priorities of companies change. This is especially true for a
>>>> publically
>>>> > traded company.
>>>> >
>>>> > The price points of https://www.mailmanhost.com/pricing/ seem better
>>>> > than http://www.mailmanlists.net/ but I have no personal experience
>>>> with
>>>> > either.
>>>> >
>>>> > > You just add your email address to the google list - you don't
>>>> > > actually need a Google account. Thre is really no difference to now.
>>>> >
>>>> > In my experience list maintainers end up needing to enable the Google
>>>> > Account
>>>> > requirement on their groups to combat spam.
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>> --
>> Indradhanush Gupta
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