[zeromq-dev] Moving list to Google groups?

Justin Karneges justin at affinix.com
Thu Apr 14 01:11:10 CEST 2016

If you like Mailman, I suggest http://www.mailmanlists.net/ . It's
affordable, and the admins are responsive and helpful. I recently
started using it on one of my lists.

Google groups is decent. I use it on a couple of my other lists. The
Google account stuff is a little obnoxious but it's hard to beat free.

On Wed, Apr 13, 2016, at 03:45 PM, Pieter Hintjens wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'd like to raise this question for discussion. The problem is that
> zeromq-dev is running on an iMatix server, and I'd like to remove
> iMatix infrastructure from our community, over time. It's a matter of
> long term sustainability.
> (Apart from the list, iMatix also hosts downloads.zeromq.org which we
> can start to move to Github release attachments IMO.)
> Anyhow, re. lists, let's weigh pros and cons of Google groups versus
> other options. I'll make the decision based on this thread and other
> factors.
> Thanks
> Pieter
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