[zeromq-dev] gsl details

Matjaž Ostroveršnik matjaz.ostroversnik at gmail.com
Wed Apr 13 20:38:19 CEST 2016

You are good mind reader. ;-)
For a moment forget the time it need to be invested in order to 
implement it in cmake.

I understand there supposed to be several build environments (autotools, 
cmake, ...) in order to cover all platforms that zmq /mlm is running upon.
All starts from the same sources and ant the end they must produce the 
same deliverables (programs, libraries, header, rpm packages, you name it).
But what is between start and end, depends on particular build 
environment. It is not rational to standardize also the intermediate 

Why do you think this is an evil plan?

On 13.4.2016 19:53, Pieter Hintjens wrote:
> It’s set up to run from within src. So you must
> cd src
> gsl mlm_proto.xml
> cd ..
> I suspect you have the evil plan of trying to put all generated files
> somewhere specific. It’s a neat idea but will not work, if you are
> thinking of it. If not, forget I said anything :)
> On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 7:50 PM, Kevin Sapper <kevinsapper88 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> OK, I just thought a little bit harder ;)
>> src/mlm_proto.xml includes a second xml files:  <include filename =
>> "license.xml" />. Where filename is a relative path from the current working
>> directory. Thus if you execute gsl from project root directory it is not
>> able to find the src/license.xml.
>> But from project root you can run make code.
>> On Mi, Apr 13, 2016 at 7:44 , Matjaž Ostroveršnik
>> <matjaz.ostroversnik at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>> Thanks for fast reply. I believe it is not problem with tabs.
>> The same command in src folder succeeds, while one folder above, but with
>> proper reference to the xml file it fails.
>> My assumption is that gsl takes "instructions" from some default place,
>> unless it is explicitly stated. And I do not know this place.;-)
>> Best regards
>> Matjaž
>> On 13.4.2016 19:36, Kevin Sapper wrote:
>> Hi Matjaž,
>> without being able to take a closer look now, GSL does not like tabs at the
>> beginning of the line.
>> Am 13.04.2016 6:16 nachm. schrieb "Matjaž Ostroveršnik"
>> <matjaz.ostroversnik at gmail.com>:
>>> Hi veterans,
>>> I am trying to understand how gsl woks. Yes I read the instructions
>>> (https://github.com/imatix/gsl)
>>> command
>>> gsl mlm_proto.xml
>>> executed from malamute/src folder
>>> properly generates mlm_proto.c and mlm_proto.bnf in the current directory
>>> command
>>> gsl src/mlm_proto.xml
>>> executed from one folder above produces
>>> GSL/4.1c Copyright (c) 1996-2016 iMatix Corporation
>>> gsl/4 I: Processing src/mlm_proto.xml...
>>> (zproto_lib.gsl 99) Undefined expression: class.load_file (...)
>>> obviously gsl gets some additional input from files in current directory.
>>> 1. Which files are those?
>>> 2. Can I explicitly state where to take this file from?
>>> 3. What the following command is supposed to do? (explanation of
>>> parameters)
>>>             gsl -topdir:.. -zproject:1 -q mlm_proto.xml
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> Matjaž
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