[zeromq-dev] malamute CMake & eclipse

Osiris Pedroso opedroso at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 18:40:21 CEST 2016

Hi Matjaz,

Read the zproject/README.md and look for the section *Tips for modifying
generated files in an already existent project

Seems like every zeromq project that has a project.xml in its home
directory has some portion of its code/scripts automatically generated.
The source of these generated files live in zeromq/zproject project and
they have extension .GSL.

There is another project, imatix/gsl that contains the GSL program that
will use the .GSL files referenced by your target project i.e.
zeromq/malamute/project.xml to generate the output code/scripts for that

I have been trying to undertstand that process of late as well, and I wrote
the script zeromq/zproject/tstgenbld.sh which will apply the current .GSL
files in zeromq/zproject on my disk on several projects (CZMQ, ZYRE and
MALAMUTE), regenerating them, then building and running their automated

This way, I can automate testing the current build, then testing the
modified build once I drop my modified .GSL files in my zeromq/zproject
disk location.

If you want to make the changes you suggested in your previous email,
provide me with the before and after CMakeLists.txt file you made and I
will help you modifying the generating .GSL to generated your new version

Then you can test and if you like it, a submit a PULL REQUEST submitting to
the project.

Hope this helps,

On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 8:29 AM Matjaž Ostroveršnik <
matjaz.ostroversnik at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for quick reply.
> I am a novice and I need a longer explanation.
> I cloned zproject and went through the file. Some strange syntax ;-)
> Mixture of cmake and something else (i.e. dot commands).
> What is the purpose of this? Isn't cmake declarative enough, so that this
> conditional generation can be skipped?
> I know exactly what to change in CMakeLists.txt file, but I do not know
> the syntax of the gsl file to fix it there.
> Do you think that out of source cmake builds is something that malamute
> development team needs? If it is only for me, I can stick with the existing
> solution. ;-)
> How is zproject related to malamut project?
> Best regards
> Matjaž
> On 6.4.2016 14:55, Osiris Pedroso wrote:
> Here is the process to find out which file creates any generated file:
>    1. get the name of file you are interested
>    2. clone zeromq/zproject
>    3. search for the filename you are interested in *.gsl:
> O:\git\zproject>findstr /c:CMakeLists.txt *.gslzproject_cmake.gsl:.output "CMakeLists.txt"zproject_java.gsl:.output "$(topdir)/CMakeLists.txt"zproject_java.gsl:.output "$(topdir)/android/CMakeLists.txt"
> So in your case, I believe zproject/zproject_cmake.gsl is the file that
> generates it
>> On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 7:38 AM Matjaž Ostroveršnik <
>> matjaz.ostroversnik at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am in process of experimenting with malamute. In order to play with
>>> it, the development environment needs to be configured.
>>> Below is my experience with malamute & eclipse & cmake. Perhaps someone
>>> can shorten his/her environment establishing time. :-)
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