[zeromq-dev] ZPROJECT help is on the way
Osiris Pedroso
opedroso at gmail.com
Fri Apr 1 14:03:51 CEST 2016
Hello fellow ZMQers,
If you have been hit a few times like me with making a change to a file
generated by zproject before you knew that files were generated by
zproject, I have just checked in a new tool for you.
This checkin has added zproject/tstgenbld.sh script, which you can use
before and after on a project that get regenerated using zproject’s GSL
The script will get the current repositories for libsodium, libzmq, czmq,
malamute and zyre, build them, install them locally and then execute “make
test” from that local install. Redirect this output to before.log.
Then make your changes to the .GSL files in zproject that you need done.
Rerun tstgenbld.sh redirecting its output to after.log.
Then use a file comparer like meld to see how your changes affected the
final result of the tests run for all these projects by comparing the
before.log and after.log files.
Real handy for making global changes in many projects and having a way to
test these several projects at once.
if there is interest, I could make the list of projects rebuilt a data
driven thing, such that one could provide a CSV file with the name of the
project and github spec and this tool would get them, regenerate them using
latest zproject GSL files, build them and run test on them.
Sample before.log
..Logfiles after building phase
..Logfiles after make-check phase
..Logfiles after building phase
..Logfiles after gsl-generation phase
Building zeromq stack components
..Logfiles after autogen-config phase
..Logfiles after make phase
..Logfiles after make-install phase
Running tests
..Logfiles after make-check phase
Problems during /home/opedroso/git/zproject/tmp/libzmq_make-check.err:
FAIL: tests/test_term_endpoint
FAIL: tests/test_ipc_wildcard
FAIL: tests/test_xpub_manual
FAIL: tests/test_filter_ipc
# FAIL: 4
STOP__DATE: Thu Mar 31 16:49:11 CDT 2016
START_DATE: Thu Mar 31 16:41:01 CDT 2016
Sample after.log
..Logfiles after building phase
..Logfiles after make-check phase
..Logfiles after building phase
..Logfiles after gsl-generation phase
Building zeromq stack components
..Logfiles after autogen-config phase
..Logfiles after make phase
..Logfiles after make-install phase
Running tests
..Logfiles after make-check phase
Problems during /home/opedroso/git/zproject/tmp/libzmq_make-check.err:
FAIL: tests/test_term_endpoint
FAIL: tests/test_ipc_wildcard
FAIL: tests/test_xpub_manual
FAIL: tests/test_filter_ipc
# FAIL: 4
STOP__DATE: Thu Mar 31 17:41:15 CDT 2016
START_DATE: Thu Mar 31 17:32:31 CDT 2016
So, from the log files I can safely assume that I have not broken anything
new. What was broken before my changes is still broken after, but more
importantly everything tested that was working before still works after my
PS: let me know if there is interest in making the list of projects rebuilt
configurable, i.e. specified on a file.
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