[zeromq-dev] czmq python binding Zpoller

Arnaud Loonstra arnaud at sphaero.org
Tue Nov 3 09:31:01 CET 2015

I think you are right. Have you tried removing index().



On November 3, 2015 5:42:17 AM GMT+01:00, Johan Philips <johan.philips at kuleuven.be> wrote:
>Hi guys
>I am trying to use the Zpoller class from the python binding together 
>with the zyre binding. Following minimal example fails for me:
> >>> from czmq import Zpoller
> >>> from zyre import Zyre
> >>> node = Zyre("test")
> >>> node.start()
> >>> poller = Zpoller(node.socket(), None)
>Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>   File "/home/jphilips/workspace/czmq/bindings/python/czmq.py", line 
>1782, in __init__
>   self._as_parameter_ = lib.zpoller_new(args[0], *args[index()-1:]) # 
>Creation of new raw type
>NameError: global name 'index' is not defined
> >>>
>There seems to be something strange going on in this zpoller_new call. 
>Shouldn't it be *args[-1:], i.e. without the index()?
>Or how does one use this Zpoller, because I am confused at the moment
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