[zeromq-dev] Priority
Doron Somech
somdoron at gmail.com
Tue May 26 14:14:11 CEST 2015
Yes. Also the handling of the messages can take time, so if you have 1000
messages in the queue and you want to make sure the urgent message is being
handled before the all of the messages in the queue.
With that, are you sure you need this complexity? If the load is not very
high, the messages are small and the handling is fast you probably don't
need another socket for urgent messages.
On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 12:39 PM, Bachmair Florian - flexSolution GmbH <
florian.bachmair at flexsolution.eu> wrote:
> Just to be clear, that I understand you right
> With one Socket: State1(10ms) - State_2(10ms) - State3(10ms) -
> State4(10ms)-RandomData(100ms)- State5(10ms)
> In that case State 5 will arrise 100ms later than expected because there
> such "big" RandomData which takes 100ms to transmit
> You suggestion
> Socket 1: State1 - State 2 - State 3 - State 4 - State 5
> Socket 2: ------------------------------------------------RandomData
> Right?
> Am 26.05.2015 um 11:20 schrieb Doron Somech:
> The short answer is no, but you can have a dedicate socket for urgent
> messages, use this socket for urgent messages.
> In your message handling loop you can give priority to the urgent socket
> by handling messages from the urgent first.
> On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 11:49 AM, Bachmair Florian - flexSolution GmbH <
> florian.bachmair at flexsolution.eu> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Is it possible to send Messages with a certain priority?
>> So that time critical messages will be sent first?
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