[zeromq-dev] assertion failed on zsocket_connect with ZMQ_REQ
Bachmair Florian - flexSolution GmbH
florian.bachmair at flexsolution.eu
Tue May 19 11:58:54 CEST 2015
but the assertion failed I get with that error
"Das Argument ist ungültig" (The Argument is invalid)
Am 19.05.2015 um 11:56 schrieb Bachmair Florian - flexSolution GmbH:
> Thank you!
> I get "Die Ressource ist zur Zeit nicht verfügbar" (The ressource is
> temporarily not available)
> what does that mean? What do I wrong?
> Am 19.05.2015 um 11:34 schrieb Pieter Hintjens:
>> Use 'puts ()' to print a string to the console.
>> On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 11:28 AM, Bachmair Florian - flexSolution GmbH
>> <florian.bachmair at flexsolution.eu> wrote:
>>> ok that was not (my only) problem.
>>> It is also during execution.
>>> How can I print the strerror?
>>> int rc = zsocket_connect(req, "%s", addr);
>>> zmq_strerror (zmq_errno ());
>>> assert(rc == 0);
>>> does not print anything for me
>>> Am 19.05.2015 um 11:23 schrieb Bachmair Florian - flexSolution GmbH:
>>>> like that?
>>>> int rc = zsocket_connect(req, "%s", addr);
>>>> zmq_strerror (zmq_errno ());
>>>> assert(rc == 0);
>>>> this does not work.
>>>> But I think I found the problem.
>>>> I start both applications at the same time, so the socket may not yet be initialized by the oponent.
>>>> Am 19.05.2015 um 10:22 schrieb Pieter Hintjens:
>>>>> The problem is that the endpoint is rejected by your operating system
>>>>> as "invalid" for some reason; possibly networking is switched off. You
>>>>> can print strerror (errno) or zmq_strerror (zmq_errno ()) to see the
>>>>> actual error message.
>>>>> On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 10:14 AM, Bachmair Florian - flexSolution GmbH
>>>>> <florian.bachmair at flexsolution.eu> wrote:
>>>>>> 'addr' is tcp://
>>>>>> so the problem may be that the other side of the socket has crashed?
>>>>>> I see that I do not close the 'req' Socket, could this be a problem?
>>>>>> Am 19.05.2015 um 09:59 schrieb Pieter Hintjens:
>>>>>>> zsocket_connect does not block. It returns -1 if the endpoint is
>>>>>>> invalid, which presumably it is. Could you tell us what the value of
>>>>>>> 'addr' is ?
>>>>>>> On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 9:40 AM, Bachmair Florian - flexSolution GmbH
>>>>>>> <florian.bachmair at flexsolution.eu> wrote:
>>>>>>>> hi!
>>>>>>>> Sometimes I get an assertion failed in my code.
>>>>>>>> Why is this? shouldn't it block, till a connection is established?
>>>>>>>> NIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_eu_flexsolution_core_JNI_1zeromq_request(
>>>>>>>> JNIEnv *env, jobject object, jstring address, jstring timestamp,
>>>>>>>> jstring format, jstring command, jstring message) {
>>>>>>>> const char* addr = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, address, 0);
>>>>>>>> const char* ts = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, timestamp, 0);
>>>>>>>> const char* f = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, format, 0);
>>>>>>>> const char* cmd = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, command, 0);
>>>>>>>> const char* msg = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, message, 0);
>>>>>>>> printf("REQ:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s\n", addr,cmd, msg, f, ts);
>>>>>>>> fflush(stdout);
>>>>>>>> void *req = zsocket_new(context, ZMQ_REQ);
>>>>>>>> int rc = zsocket_connect(req, "%s", addr);
>>>>>>>> assert(rc == 0);
>>>>>>>> s_sendmore(req, ts);
>>>>>>>> s_sendmore(req, f);
>>>>>>>> s_sendmore(req, cmd);
>>>>>>>> s_send(req, msg);
>>>>>>>> char* reply = s_recv(req);
>>>>>>>> printf("reply: %s\n", reply);
>>>>>>>> fflush(stdout);
>>>>>>>> (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, timestamp, ts);
>>>>>>>> (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, format, f);
>>>>>>>> (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, message, msg);
>>>>>>>> jstring ret = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, reply);
>>>>>>>> return ret;
>>>>>>>> }
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