[zeromq-dev] Websocket status

Arnaud Kapp kapp.arno at gmail.com
Fri May 15 10:52:32 CEST 2015


I'd like some clarification about the current state of Websocket
support in the ZeroMQ community.
This mail comes from this issue
(https://github.com/zeromq/zmqpp/issues/108) raised on the zmqpp

There is this RFC http://rfc.zeromq.org/spec:39 I know about. Also
this project https://github.com/zeromq/zwssock and that one

Is my understanding correct:
     + Websocket support must be fully implemented in bindings (ie,
not just a small wrapper around
libzmq code)
     + This support is therefore not trivial to implement.

Assuming I understand correctly, wouldn't it make sense to, in the
long run, implement Websocket as a libzmq transport, so that any
binding can use them easily? Has there been any attempt as of yet?

Am I missing something wrt websocket ?


Kapp Arnaud - Xaqq

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