[zeromq-dev] Fundamental perks?

Kenneth Adam Miller kennethadammiller at gmail.com
Thu May 14 06:33:15 CEST 2015

So, recently in the workforce the discussion came up that despite all of
the nice work that has been accomplished with ZMQ, it should be removed
because using it as a component for distributed analysis creates
complication. Much to my dismay, they cannot be convinced otherwise, and
see dependencies only as potential breakage and configuration nightmare.

But our use case still needs to communicate between processes in the new
model proposed. The idea is for regular raw sockets to be used to
communicate between processes, because this would be the only
communication, and the linux kernel would automatically replace any
localhost communication with inter process communication (?).

What fundamental benefits in such a use case does using ZMQ provide? Things
like OS interrupts, OS abstraction, ect... I'm pretty sure that ZMQ does at
least hide some complexity in buffering what it receives.
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