[zeromq-dev] Website For Windows Installers (miru.hk) Is Down

Peter Rosario peter.j.rosario at rrd.com
Thu Mar 26 21:04:39 CET 2015

I asked you to give me the IP address of the server.  You haven't told me
what it is.  Am I to infer that it is

Also, it is not necessary to modify the hosts file or use the --resolve
switch.  I merely have to replace the host name with the host IP address.
That is what I have done and it doesn't work.  Have you clicked on the link

to see for yourself?

On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 12:36 PM, Steven McCoy <steven.mccoy at miru.hk> wrote:

> Oops, an nginx misconfiguration for IPv6 apologies if you are using that.
> Also, IPv4 it requires HTTP 1.1 virtual hosts support, i.e. stick
> " miru.hk" in the hosts file and operate as normal.
> Alternatively use a command line tool such as cURL and bypass DNS like this:
> curl -O http://miru.hk/archive/ZeroMQ-4.0.4~miru1.0-x86.exe --resolve
> --
> Steve-o
> On 26 March 2015 at 12:49, Peter Rosario <peter.j.rosario at rrd.com> wrote:
>> Could you give me the IP address of the server?  With that I can bypass
>> the miru.hk DNS name entirely.
>> I tried
>> and
>> Neither one worked.
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