[zeromq-dev] ZeroMQ PUB SUB TCP Dropping Messages Subscriber Failing

Pieter Hintjens ph at imatix.com
Fri Mar 20 14:43:23 CET 2015

It could be due to the WiFi network's tendency to disconnect clients.
Are you using the latest GitHub master? There was a related fix a
couple of weeks ago.

On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 10:57 PM, Adam Najman <najman at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've built ZeroMQ from source on my Manjaro Linux machine following the
> instructions on the github page. All tests pass.
> Basically,
> ./autogen
> ./configure
> ./make
> ./make install
> ./make check
> I'm running the weather station example from the guide in Python, and using
> tcp to send/receive messages from ly laptop to my PC over my home WiFi.
> Occasionally, messages sent from the publisher will not be detected by the
> subscriber, and the subscriber will sit and wait for the next message to
> come in. The publisher will keep sending messages, but once the subscriber
> fails to receive it will not receive any further messages. I've found that
> restarting the publisher will cause the subscriber to start receiving
> messages again.
> I can understand a message being dropped, but can anyone explain to me why
> once that occurs the subscriber fails to receive further messages? Did I
> build this improperly?
> I believe this may be a build problem because when I run the same example
> code in a docker based on an install with apt-get, I never lose any of the
> messages and it never seems to fail. I need to rebuild because I actually
> want to use NORM eventually.
> StackOverflow post (with example code):
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29133189/zeromq-pub-sub-tcp-dropping-messages-subscriber-failing
> Thanks.
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