[zeromq-dev] ZeroMQ PUB SUB TCP Dropping Messages Subscriber Failing

Adam Najman najman at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 22:57:28 CET 2015

I've built ZeroMQ from source on my Manjaro Linux machine following the
instructions on the github page. All tests pass.

./make install
./make check

I'm running the weather station example from the guide in Python, and using
tcp to send/receive messages from ly laptop to my PC over my home WiFi.

Occasionally, messages sent from the publisher will not be detected by the
subscriber, and the subscriber will sit and wait for the next message to
come in. The publisher will keep sending messages, but once the subscriber
fails to receive it will not receive any further messages. I've found that
restarting the publisher will cause the subscriber to start receiving
messages again.

I can understand a message being dropped, but can anyone explain to me why
once that occurs the subscriber fails to receive further messages? Did I
build this improperly?

I believe this may be a build problem because when I run the same example
code in a docker based on an install with apt-get, I never lose any of the
messages and it never seems to fail. I need to rebuild because I actually
want to use NORM eventually.

StackOverflow post (with example code):

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