[zeromq-dev] Zyre on Android?

Pieter Hintjens ph at imatix.com
Fri Mar 13 06:31:50 CET 2015

Zyre works well on most WiFi networks except those which have
deliberately shut off client-to-client access. Hydra is a neat example
built on Zyre.

The biggest problem at FOSDEM turned out to be discovery. Zyre uses
UDP broadcast beacons and these are simply not reliable on larger WiFi
networks. The FOSDEM WiFi blocked them entirely. Consequence, nodes
could not see each other.

We need to explore Bluetooth for discovery. That was one thing we took
home from the workshops. This means Bluetooth in C on Android...

On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 4:08 AM, Kenneth Adam Miller
<kennethadammiller at gmail.com> wrote:
> Found this:
> http://zguide.zeromq.org/php:chapter8
> On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 11:05 PM, Kenneth Adam Miller
> <kennethadammiller at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey, I saw hydra and had a tab open because it was interesting, but I
>> couldn't find any meta information on it. Can you tell me about it? I knew
>> it had to do with mesh networking on Android.
>> But what about the actual in practice use of Zyre itself. It is a full
>> blown solution to mesh networking? What kind of limitations are there? Can
>> you characterize it, or point me to a zguide documentation on it?
>> On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 10:55 PM, Joe McIlvain <joe.eli.mac at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Kenneth,
>>> I've spent quite a bit of time working on the android cross-compile
>>> process (see the builds/qt-android subdir in libzmq, czmq, zyre, etc..) and
>>> QML bindings for writing cross-platform Qt applications that use these
>>> libraries on platforms including android (see the bindings/qml subdir).
>>> Both of these efforts are a part of zproject, so any project using zproject
>>> (like czmq and zyre) get these "for free".  Note that even though my use
>>> case is with Qt, you should be able to use the qt-android build without even
>>> having Qt on the dev or the target machine - just cross compile with those
>>> scripts and you can use dlopen from your android application to load the
>>> shared object.
>>> I believe some folks got the edgenet/hydra application (which uses zyre)
>>> running on android devices at this year's FOSDEM workshop, but I think there
>>> were some caveats for zyre involving network configuration requirements and
>>> such.  Maybe Pieter or one of the other workshop attendees can elaborate on
>>> their findings.
>>> On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 6:01 PM, Kenneth Adam Miller
>>> <kennethadammiller at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> As per title, has anyone ever gotten Zyre to run on Android?
>>>> Also, mesh networking is a research top the last I had learned. How well
>>>> do does Zyre work? How extensively has it been tested?
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