[zeromq-dev] Compile pyzmq on Windows

Christoph Buelter c.buelter at arcor.de
Tue Jun 23 23:37:57 CEST 2015


I am trying to build pyzmq on *Windows*, Python 2.7.3 x64 with Visual 
Studio 2012.

On a side note: I tried building libzmq 1.40 on my own beforehand, but 
the paths in the solutions seem to be outdated and the configure 
--zmq=path/to/libzmq did not work properly, so I thought the step is 
probably not even needed: As far as I understood, it already comes now 
with the source code of its dependencies libsodium and libzmq. Please 
correct me if that is wrong.

So basically I downloaded the

|git clone git://github.com/zeromq/pyzmq.git|

repository and executed the following in a VS 2012 Command prompt:

|python setup.py configure ||python setup.py build_ext --inplace|

The output is as in the following link, it seems to have problems 
compiling sodium:


Any ideas or pointers?

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