[zeromq-dev] Last value cache example not working

Ingar Pedersen ifp.hj at online.no
Wed Jul 22 16:23:30 CEST 2015



I have been testing and debugging, but not been able to find the root
cause of my problem yet, however I have been able to get it working, but
need some help understanding why... 

The problem is the pathopub doesn't send messages to lvcache, and I have
narrowed it down to subscriptions not been registered with pathopub for
some reason. 

I'm now running ZMQ 4.1.2 and CZMQ 3.0.2 all compiled locally, and all
make check tests passed. 

The original lvcache.c fails: 

void *frontend = zsocket_new (context, ZMQ_SUB);
 zsocket_bind (frontend, "tcp://*:5557"); 

But if I modify to: 

void *frontend = zsocket_new (context, ZMQ_SUB);
 zsocket_connect (frontend, "tcp://"); 

Then suddenly everything works as expected. 

if I change connect back to bind (leaves the address as is) then it
fails again, also connect with original address fails. 

And the funny thing, as before, if I use C#, the bind with * works just
fine for both sockets in lvcache. 

So it appears to me there must be something weird going on in the C
binding in my case... 

Any ideas? 

Best regards 

Ingar F Pedersen 

Den 19.06.2015 16:52, skrev Ingar Pedersen: 

> Hi, 
> Since lvcache prints "sending cached topic xxx" when pathosub is started it seems the subscription from pathosub to lvcache is working. I'll try to debug the pathopub and lvcache to see if I can find the subscription... 
> Ingar 
> Den 19.06.2015 16:17, skrev Pieter Hintjens: 
> I'd suggest you try again to debug the lvcache code, as it runs. It
> should be getting subscriptions from the subscriber.
> On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 3:37 PM, Ingar Pedersen <ifp.hj at online.no> wrote:
> Hi, I have been going through the greate guide, and running all the examples. However I'm getting stuck on the last value cache example... I have built all the source on linux and on windows and I'm getting the same result on both OS. I run the lvcache program, then the pathopub and finally pathosub. lvcache prints "sending cached topic xxx" but nothing is receive by the subscriber. I have debugged lvcache on widows (VS2012) and it seems nothing is received from the publisher ever... When I single step the publisher it seems all messages are dropped because there are no subscribers, but I am not to familiar with the source yet to be 100% sure about this... If I'm running without lvcache and using the 5556 port directly from publisher to subscriber it also works as expected. Now for the funny thing: If I build the C# example I'm getting the expected result, and all is built using the same libzmq... Any ideas why it fails when running with lvcache?? I have checked and trippl!
 e checked
the setup, and I'm using tcp:// for the publisher and tcp:// for the subscriber... Thanks! best regards Ingar F Pedersen _______________________________________________ zeromq-dev mailing list zeromq-dev at lists.zeromq.org http://lists.zeromq.org/mailman/listinfo/zeromq-dev [1] 
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