[zeromq-dev] what is the purpose of the Go binding for czmq?

Brian Knox bknox at digitalocean.com
Sat Jan 17 21:30:06 CET 2015

I'm the person who started the Go binding for CZMQ.  The number one purpose
for me, when I started it, was having fun.


On Sat, Jan 17, 2015 at 10:35 AM, Peter Kleiweg <pkleiweg at xs4all.nl> wrote:

> I thought the main purpose of czmq is to eleviate the 'primitive'
> capabilities of the C language, making working with ZeroMQ in C
> easier. Czmq is also used in the examples for 0MQ - The Guide.
> I implemented a Go binding for ZeroMQ (github/pebbe/zmq4, zmq3,
> zmq2), and included Go versions of all examples from The Guide,
> without the need for czmq.
> Go already is a less primitive language then C. So why the need
> for a Go binding to czmq? Does czmq offer essential
> functionality that I am missing in my binding for ZeroMQ?
> --
> Peter Kleiweg
> http://pkleiweg.home.xs4all.nl/
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